A New Look and A New Space

When I logged on today to post what has been happening, I was informed that my “theme” was updated and I didn’t like the update…So I went hunting and found a new look. But it is still me…

As for the new space, I have moved. I had lots of space, many rooms, and my equipment and supplies scattered in a couple rooms. Due to various situations, I moved in with a cousin, Thanks so much. The result of that is that all of me and mine is in a studio room and a 10’x15′ storage space down the street.

This is what we look like now…Who knew someone would have space for the quilting machine? But it fits just right in my room and yes that is my bed across from the machine, as I said all of me and mine is in here.Here is the sewing  machine and desk. Don’t mind the mess, I have learned that in a small space, having a few things out of place makes a mess.

Project storage…is under the machine. It’s not the prettiest, but it works and I am thankful.Door handles double as a closet for the newest item for Lil Miss Quilt’m.

I am thankful for the space God has provided and how it suits my needs.

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